Acupuncture &
Electro-Acupuncture Medicine
Andrea Vance
MSPT, MTCM, Dipl.O.M., L.Ac.,
If you are here for solutions, I am here to help...
restore your bodies natural mechanisms of pain inhibition,
increase your bodies resources for sustained balanced energy,
improve your overall quality of sleep,
reduce the harmful side effects of stress,
balance your immune and endocrine system regulatory functions,
promote your bodies production and release of powerful healing neuro-chemical substances.
With the proven, powerful, physiological changes that acupuncture and herbal medicine offer, you can live the life you deserve.
Health is in your hands, Cultivate it!
Cultivated Health
... is an integrative Chinese medicine practice,
committed to providing personalized, effective, professional treatment for every individual
dedicated to optimizing health by activating the body's own capacity to heal
focused on empowering every client to
make positive changes in their health

Tel: 408-490-0308
Email: info@cultivatedhealth.com
• by appointment only
Location in transition
• Licensed to practice in ID